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2024 Quick and Easy Tips (FIX) Removing Unused CSS Resources The Ultimate Guide to Removing Unused CSS Resources

3 min read
Unused CSS Resources

Unused CSS Resources

Boost Your Website’s Performance: Remove Unused CSS with These Expert Tips

In today’s digital age, website performance is paramount. Users expect fast-loading websites that deliver a seamless browsing experience. Google’s PageSpeed Insights and other performance assessment tools have made it clear that one common culprit for slow websites is “unused CSS resources. In this blog post, we will explore what unused CSS resources are, why they impact your site’s performance, and how to effectively remove them to boost your website’s speed.

Understanding Unused CSS Resources

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a critical component of web design, responsible for styling the layout and appearance of web pages. However, over time, websites can accumulate a significant amount of CSS that is not actually used. This unused CSS adds unnecessary weight to your site, resulting in slower loading times.

Unused CSS resources are stylesheets and rules that do not contribute to rendering or loading a web page correctly. Removing these unused resources is essential for improving website performance. However, it’s a complex task that requires careful consideration and proper techniques.

The Impact of Unused CSS on Website Performance

Unused CSS can have a substantial impact on your website’s performance, affecting various aspects.

  1. Page Loading Time: When a browser loads a web page, it must download, parse, and render CSS files. Unused CSS extends this process, slowing down your site’s loading time.
  2. User Experience: Slow-loading websites frustrate users. Removing unused CSS ensures faster rendering, providing a better user experience and quicker interaction.
  3. Performance Metrics: Metrics like Large Contentful Paint (LCP) and Total Blocking Time (TBT) play a significant role in website performance assessment. Unused CSS negatively affects these metrics, which can impact your site’s search engine rankings.
  4. HTTP Requests: Unused CSS contributes to additional HTTP requests, further slowing down your website. Removing it reduces the number of requests and improves loading speeds.

How to Identify Unused CSS Resources

Before you can remove unused CSS, you need to identify it. Two common methods to identify unused CSS resources are:

  1. PageSpeed Insights: Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool offers recommendations for improving website performance. It can flag unused CSS resources that need attention.
  2. Chrome DevTools Coverage Tab: You can use the Coverage tab in Chrome DevTools to assess the percentage of unused CSS resources on your web pages. This tool allows you to analyze your CSS files and prioritize which ones to manage.

Removing Unused CSS Resources

Now, the crucial question is how to effectively remove or reduce unused CSS resources on your website. There are two primary methods of doing this:

  1. Manual Removal: Manually removing unused CSS requires technical knowledge. You can use tools like Purify CSS to analyze your CSS files and determine what can safely be removed. However, this approach can be time-consuming and may not be 100% accurate, as it’s challenging to account for all usage scenarios.
  2. Plugin Assistance: An easier and more efficient way is to use a plugin like WP Rocket. WP Rocket offers a powerful feature that allows you to remove unused CSS with a simple click. This plugin identifies and eliminates unused CSS included in your HTML, optimizing your website’s performance effortlessly.

Additional performance tips

While removing unused CSS is essential, here are some additional performance tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose a lightweight and lean WordPress theme to minimize unnecessary CSS.
  • Prioritize themes and plugins that include modular CSS, loading only the required styles for specific components.
  • Minimize the use of plugins that add excessive code to the front-end of your website.
  • Utilize asset control plugins to remove unnecessary CSS files from bloated themes and plugins.


Unused CSS resources can significantly affect your website’s performance, leading to slower loading times and poor user experiences. It’s crucial to identify and remove these resources to optimize your site’s speed. Manual removal is possible but challenging, and it’s always better to use a reliable plugin like WP Rocket to simplify the process. By addressing unused CSS, you’ll enhance your website’s performance and provide a better browsing experience for your visitors. Start optimizing your site today and witness the positive impact on your website’s speed and overall performance.

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